Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation

Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, is answering some questions about the CreativeCommons at CC Summit.

Katherine Roberts Maher is the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, a position she has held since June 2016, Perviously she was working for UNICEF, the World Bank, AccessNow.org. Maher states that she focuses on global digital inclusion as a way to improve and protect the rights of people to information through technology. We had the chance to talk to this great human being during the #CCSummit 2018 back in Toronto.

A serie of interviews called #InsanePeople will follow after about creative insight from all around the world, this first round is from the #Peopleofthecommons. We are grateful to be part of the worldwide creative commons network as #CCMorocco and very thankful for meeting such great minds and capture some of the collective knowledge via this series of video and share it with people around the globe.

Concept By: Mohamed Rahmo — Director: Achraf Younssi — Creative effects: Tarik Raiss — Some footage are by : Sebastiaan Ter Burg.

This video is brought to you in partnership with The Rolling Notes / madNess.

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