Starbucks: Pay your Coffee with your Smartphone Case!

Over the years I’ve been amazed by Starbucks’s marketing techniques, from its overall communication to its digital communication Starbucks, I was astonished and not only once!


Behold, because with the rise of connected objects, NFC tags, and other devices with names as hard to pronounce as your common German word, Starbucks innovates and puts me once again at awe!


Starbuck Payment1


Open your eyes, I give you the smartphone case that allows you to pay your coffee! How handy is this? Well, really handy, I hand it to you (Really bad pun :/). Anyway, you got my point, this is a device that allows you with only one tap of your phone on a payment device to pay your coffee at your local Starbucks. The accompanying app is also there to ease the process and record your payments.


Starbucks Phone


Once you pay, all you have to do is wait for your name to be so misspelled by your favorite barista that even your mom wouldn’t recognize it, and here you go! Coffee all paid for, no big hassle!


So, what do you think about this innovation, Yay or Nay? Give us your feedback in comments!

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Hicham Seddik
Hicham Seddik

Digital Strategic Planner, I live and breathe Digital and plan each and every one of my moves. Live fully is my motto.

Articles: 31

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