Amman Design Week 2017 Open Call

Can design move us? Can design move our communities, our economy and our culture towards productivity, innovation and a better quality of life? Can it make our homes, our schools, and our streets more comfortable, sustainable and beautiful? Can it move us to tears or laughter by telling good stories? Can it move us to action to create positive change?

Amman Design Week 2017 is seeking to exhibit conceptual, experimental and realized design works and projects by designers of all ages, across all disciplines (urban, architecture, interior, landscape, product, automotive, fashion, brand, communication, packaging, digital, animation) that demonstrate social, business, intellectual and aesthetic impact on our lives. Amman Design Week 2017 is aspiring to create a showcase of design that engages with and challenges our contemporary reality, learns from it, adapts with it, and changes it – design that moves life and that is moved by it.

Movement is the essence of change. The intertwined movement of life and design can be explored in multiple domains; the physical, intellectual, cultural, and social. Movement in the physical domain can address a spectrum of issues, from explorations into pure kinetics and interactivity to proposing solutions for urban mobility and access, the movement/travel/migration of populations, goods, and resources across borders. Movement in the intellectual and cultural domains expresses the flow of knowledge, stories and ideas across cultures and time. In the social domain movements bring together people around issues and demands.

Amman Design Week Cover

Amman Design Week 2017 invite designers to move between extremes. The extremes of attitude: from the experimental to the practical. The extremes of impact: from the individual to the collective. The extremes of scale: from a letterform to the planet. Amman Design Week 2017 invite the design community in Jordan and beyond to create an exhibition, that moves the general public, decision makers, and designers to explore the value of design as a way to tackle challenges, create opportunities and contribute to a richer life.

Continue to Designers Application >>

Deadline for submission: 2 April 2017 at 12 pm (noon)

Amman Design Week is launching its first student exhibition this year!Amman Design Week is extending an open call to design students from schools and universities across the country to submit portfolios for inclusion in a multidisciplinary exhibition and mentorship program.

Continue to Student Application >>

Deadline for submission: 2 April 2017 at 12 pm (noon)

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