#GGJ16 : 5 reasons to attend Global Game Jam Morocco

The global game jam will be hosed  in morocco during the weekend of the 29th  to the  31st of  January in Casablanca by the Moroccan games developers and  the 4th time will take place , their  aim is  to enhance the game development and creativity around the country and redraw the maps of games industry by including morocco as a platform for creativity and innovation in the field, this time it will be hosted by  l’Uzine and it will start at 2 pm Friday 29th of the current month  we will definitely cover it for you.

Today I am talking about one of the best event I know and been hosted here in morocco around gaming, there is not that much gaming event going on in the region globally and  not just in the country to compare these stuffs with, but knowing the people who held this I am sure it will be  the best , ma people will ask me what is a game jam ? I digged a little bit in google to improve the definition I will write by myself and I find this one  from stlgamejam it says : A Game Jam is an organized get-together with the intention of creating a full game – from conception to completion – in a pre-determined, short period of time, usually one weekend. Popular Indie games such as World of Goo and Crayon Physics Deluxe were both created during this same type of rapid prototyping.

There is a bunch of reasons we could use as an argument for you to attend this jam we have made a short list to be quick and to be fast:

  1. The fun because it’s a game :

The global game jam is also an ongoing game, it is a challenge you work on and you stay for one weekend making a game and trying to be the best its way to fun and a part of that fun do not miss it!

  1. If you are a game developer :

The best opportunity for you to challenge yourself and get to know what your level of competencies is and apply your soft and hard skills in a real time production challenge is a game jam and the Moroccan game jam held by the Moroccan game developers is the best opportunity for you to experience the feeling and the moment.

  1. It’s global not just local :

If you do good job doing your programming magic and your game design fantasy you have the change to get global easily because the game jam is a global game jam don’t forget about this and if you do something wonderful people from the world will notice it and you can imagine how great it could be …business, work opportunities … etc

  1. Meet your people :

We know and you know and everybody knows the game developer’s  way are too busy making the magic so they don’t have time to meet and make new opportunities of developing what they are doing the best opportunity you have is to go to the GGJ it’s the pilgrim of game developers.

  1. Inspiration :

You really need inspiration which  doesn’t always depend on ideas that are out of the box , it stands for idea that works and you need to know the trends and what is work, what better than a real time experimentation , great experimentation comes with great people in the field where do you can find them ? GGJ!

Don’t miss the fun !

if you need any information you can check here :


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Mohamed Rahmo
Mohamed Rahmo

Mohamed Rahmo est un marketeur de profession, un communiquant de formation, un amoureux de la culture et de l'art et qui trouve qu'il y a toujours des possibilités infinies dans le monde digital. Voilà pourquoi il s'investit régulièrement dans des démarches expérimentales mais toujours actionnistes. Après des recherches sur le Social Medias et sur la Gamification, il s'intéresse aujourd'hui de plus en plus à l'Internet Of Things, fasciné par la tendance mondiale du Making et du Coding. Féru de gaming, d'art et de culture en général, Mohamed Rahmo croit fermement que l'industrie créative peut sauver le Maroc.

Articles: 89

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